09.06.2006 00:00

Big Top 20 Super Penny Arcade na topie w Anglii

Potrójny automat


Big Top 20 Super Penny Arcade na topie w Anglii

Firma Nova Productions to jeden z prekursorów wprowadzenia do automatów video ekranów LCD. Nova Productions konsekwentnie wprowadza także do swoich automatów video moduł wypłacający. Po znanych już automatach Super Payout Pinball czy multiplayerze Maximum Payout przyszła kolej na potrójny automat o długiej nazwie Big Top 20 Super Penny Arcade. Ten prezentowany
m.in. na ATEI multiplayer, który zalicza się do brytyjskiej kategorii D, jest właśnie testowany przez nowo pozyskanego dystrybutora firmy – donosi Coinslot. Brytyjska kategoria D grupuje automaty z wrzutem max. 10 pensów i maksymalnej wygranej 5 GBP w cashu, albo 8 GBP w przypadku innej nagrody. Automaty tego rodzaju mogą się znajdować na terenach FEC-ów lub targach i imprezach objazdowych. Nie wiadomo, czy tak wysokie miejsce w rankingu opiniotwórczej brytyjskiej gazety z branży rozrywkowej, to efekt nawiązanej właśnie współpracy Nova Productions z dystrybutorem gier – Cosmic Video Amusements, czy też wpłyneła na to wyłącznie wysoka grywalność tej gry. Sam automat wyposażony jest w 29 calowy, pionowy ekran LCD, ma wysokiej jakości grafikę i jest łatwy w operacji. Producent automatu rozmyślnie wykorzystał tutaj możliwość jaką daje brytyjskie prawo i wprowadził go na rynek jako automat w kategorii D. Czy brytyjska Gambling Commision, która już oglądała Penny Arcade, zgodzi się z taką kwalifikacją tego automatu, dowiemy się wkrótce.


Take it to the Top! – Coinslot March 2006

Big Top 20 Super Penny Arcade 1s a new three player Category D machine from Nova Productions, currently being tested and distributed by Cosmic Video Amusements as part of its brief to align itself with new and challenging partners and products. CVA’s John Farrington commented: „The video skills acquired by Nova have come to fruition in this game; it’s easy to operate, has great graphics and a 29 inch LCD screen. “We know that CVA will get behind this product,” said Nova’s Peter Robinson. „We have created a reason for forward-thinking arcades to ensure that they budget for this centre piece game.”

Penny for ’em! – Coinslot, February 2006

Cosmic takes more holistic view to distribution with move towards gaming.
CVA is working hard to evolve and add to its distribution lines rather than change the face of its business per se. The latest game to join its eclectic portfolio hails from the Nova Productions team.
As Part of a new brief to broaden out its product portfolio, Cosmic Video Amusements(CVA) has taken on a fresh distribution line that directs the firm into gaming – an area it has previously eschewed.

The company will be handling Nova Productions’ BigTop 20 Super Penny Arcade three-player, a game that challenges conventional thinking on Category D and certainly got the industry talking at the recent ATEI.

The big question doing the rounds predictably focused on the legal parameters of the game. One half of the creative team behind the machine,Peter Robinson, remains steadfast in the view that Big Top 20 is a game that can be comfortably operated without fear of recrimination.

„The machine is legal,” he commented.”We’re waiting for official guidelines from the Gambling Commission but they have seen it.

They have looked at the machine and any issues that they had have been taken care of. As it stands today the game is lawful and there have been no objections from the Commission:’

CVA boss Terry Farr was clearly delighted at acquiring the three-player arcade game and in the process, being given the opportunity to work with the Nova team. „In recent times we’ve been working as exclusive distributors for Global VR;’ he said, „and we’ve had some good arcade product with them.
And it follows that as we embrace new product sectors such as gaming that we get the best equipment that’s available.

„I have huge admiration of Peter Robinson and David Jones. They always bring out something innovative and creative and this is the first opportunity I’ve had to distribute for them. I see it as a massive privilege – they make fabulous games and it’s people like them who are pushing back the boundaries.”

There is no doubting the fact that the most innovative games are always the ones that offer more of a challenge to established thinking, and BigTop 20 drops neatly into that controversial category. But according to Farr, the static nature of the business calls for a product that is radically different.”You’ve got a single site business that’s got nothing to spend and an arcade business that’s reluctant to spend,” he added,”and the only thing that will kick start the business is something like this that is innovative and creative.
All the video skills that they (Nova Productions) have learned have been brought to bear in the way that the game plays and the coins roll down. It’s a stunning piece of kit.”

Category D – 10p (30p when non-exchangeable prizes) maximum stake and maximum prize of ?5 cash (or ?8 non-cash). Permitted as above plus family entertainment centres and travelling fairs.

